John's next book, Race the wind, to come out. Anybody aged 10 or over should read this book because if you haven't, you have read a horse book, at least, not one with this much passion, love, faith, strength, emotion and skill. John is one of those exceptionally talented authors, who swallows into the book, like falling into the depths of the ocean. I could almost touch Casey's horse, stroke his grey coat. I think that this is the BEST horse book I have ever read, and trust me, I've read loads! I was there, galloping along with Casey, I could feel when she was miserable and when she was sad. You can never outrun the past, but you can prepare for the future. For instance, the consequences of her father's criminal record or the distraction of that boy with melty eyes with whom she refuses to fall in love. However, there are many twists and turns they must face. Her wildest dreams of winning Badminton Horse Trials might come true. Casey realises that the impossible can be made possible.

The connection between Casey and her horse is so strong and powerful that nobody can break them apart. When she rescues a starving, half-wild horse she knows that this horse is the one. Her mum passed away and her dad is an ex-convict. Fifteen year old Casey Blue lives in East Londons grimmest tower block and volunteers at a local riding school, but her dream is to win the worlds greatest Three Day Event: the Badminton Horse Trials. When she's not with the horses, she lives in East London's grimmest tower block. The One Dollar Horse is about fifteen year old Casey Blue, who loves horses - in fact, she adores them! Casey Blue is a volunteer at her local riding school in East London.

I don't what to sum up this book as: breathtaking, brilliant or scintillating.