The book was a disastrous flop, but his second, The Firm, was a complete success, even starring Tom Cruise in the film adaptation. The novel took him four year to complete and only began after Grisham witnessed an intense trial which formed the plot basis of the novel.

Grisham wrote his first novel, A Time to Kill, during this period of his life. During this time, he was also elected to the Mississippi House of Representatives. His tenure began with an interest in tax law before the labyrinth overwhelmed him and drove him to criminal practice. and immediately entered the legal quagmire. He graduated from the University of Mississippi School of Law with his J.D.

Grisham originally began his career wanting to be a lawyer. In the world of legal thrillers, no name is more well-known than John Grisham, author of over thirty novels, several collections of short stories, and one non-fiction book. The legal thriller genre looks at the often-times ridiculousness of the law and uses it for inspiration. In the Unites States, it is still legal to secretly record conversations in most states. Not too long ago, Canada legalized marijuana nation-wide, repealing laws whose original aid in racist paranoia. Laws exist criminalizing things which should be allowed, and actions which should be illegal are legal. However, the law is not always moral or proper.

Criminal laws inform us what actions are illegal and what actions are perfectly accepted. Financial laws are meant to ensure proper practices by the banks and large corporations. Labor laws dictate how much workers may be paid and how often they may take a meal break. It shapes so much of our daily lives behind the scenes. The law of the United States of America is a fascinating beast.