Gentle warrior by julie garwood
Gentle warrior by julie garwood

I forced myself to keep listening, thinking he'd bring it up near the end. A family was murdered before the book even began and the hero knew who was responsible, but wasn't naming names. The characters were never really developed, so I never had any interest in them.

gentle warrior by julie garwood

The next 11 hours were a repetitive account of the newly-weds trying to get used to each other and trying to change the many parts about each other they didn't like. The rest of the story had the unimpressive hero/heroine meeting right away, falling for each other and marrying immediately. The prologue described a mighty warrior who, right before a battle, saw a vision of a lovely female with a hawk and two wolf-like dogs.

gentle warrior by julie garwood gentle warrior by julie garwood

The short prologue was the only interesting part of this book as the rest of the story did not follow suit.

Gentle warrior by julie garwood